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Greater Naples Little League

Greater Naples Little League

Little League is a community oriented program designed to provide  children with baseball experiences commensurate with their abilities to maximize opportunities for success. GNLL takes steps to form teams that match player skills and attempts to provide parity within the league's divisions.

The principle means by which this is accomplished is the draft.  In the spring, following evaluations, the draft occurs.  The draft is designed to operate in a manner that takes into account a player's demonstrated ability, roster openings, and the league's desire to provide an overall balance to all divisions. We strive to place our players in a situation which enables them to learn the game of baseball and have fun.

Our Divisions have overlapping age groups that are ultimately differentiated by skill level. Therefore, players not drafted into the Majors Division are placed in the Triple A Division, those not drafted in Triple A Division are available to be drafted into AA. In general, the divisions build upon one another in terms of the level of player ability and complexity of the game. There is no implicit progression through each division. Each player is evaluated annually in the spring and drafted on the most appropriate team in the determination of GNLL managers. The team selection process for the Single A Division is done by the Player Agent. Each Division is generally described below.


Our T-Ball Division is the earliest introduction to baseball, made up of only league age 4 year olds.  Players are introduced to the sport of baseball with one event per week.  The event is designed to be a brief practice and instructional scrimmage with players hitting off of a tee and playing in a relaxed atmosphere.  The event will be 1 hour long on Saturday mornings.

Single A

Our Single A Division is an introduction to baseball, typically made up of league age 5-6 year olds with some 7 year olds that are newer to the sport.   Players are introduced to the concept of hitting, fielding and throwing in  a relaxed atmosphere.  There is one practice per week and one game per week.  Practices and games are 1 hour long each. Batters face pitching from coaches.  However, if the batter is unsuccessful, he or she will use a tee after the fifth pitch. Players are assigned onto teams.

Division Specific Rules (GNLL)
-  Every player bats every inning
- Players should only advance 1 base at a time on hits or throws
- On last batter, have all players on base run around to home

Minors - AA

Teaching fundamentals of baseball.  Player positions are established and outs recorded.  Typically made up of league age 7-9 year olds and 10 year olds who may be newer to the sport.  AA players face live kid pitch.  In the spring, there is one practice per week and two games per week. Players are drafted onto AA teams. In the fall, there is one practice per week and one game on Saturday.

Division Specific Rules (GNLL)
- Defense should have a catcher in place and teaching how to catch
-  There should be a coach behind the catcher to speed up the process of pitches and throw backs
- 5 run max per inning; except last inning
- 1.5 hour game time
- Teach players the count and hold them to strike outs
- For the first half of the season, coaches call balls and strikes and walks are not awarded.  Half way through the season, umpires are introduced and walks are awarded. 

Minors - AAA

Typically, league age 9-11.  Kids have experience at the Minor level and is comfortable with kid-pitch.  During the spring, teams practice once a week and play games twice a week. In the fall, there is one practice per week and one game per week. Players are drafted onto teams.

Division Specific Rules (GNLL)
-  Umpire required
- 5 run max per inning
- 1.75 hour game time.  No new inning after 1.5 hrs.  Last inning no run maximum
- Players can steal and advance on passed balls


For league ages 10-12. Majors consist mostly of 11 and 12 year olds with strong 10s. Kids typically have a great deal of experience or size.    During the spring, teams practice once a week and play games twice a week.  Players are drafted onto teams. 

Division Specific Rules (GNLL)
-  Lineup can be set to Little League rules, mandatory play rules in effect
- Umpire Required
-Dropped 3rd strike rules
- 1.75 hour game time.  No new inning after 1.75 hrs

                                                            60/90 Division

For league age 13-16 year olds.  Players in this division interleague with other District 18 teams and play 60/90 pitching/base distances.  There are 1-2 practices during the week or possibly the weekend and 2 games during the week.


Greater Naples Little League (GNLL)
1600 Fleischmann Blvd, PO Box 7436
Naples, Florida 34101

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