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Greater Naples Little League

Greater Naples Little League


By registering and participating with Greater Naples Little League, all participants agree to not:

1.    Physically threaten or assault anyone.

2.    Use abusive, profane or taunting language in any manner at any time.

3.    Display un‐sportsmanlike demonstration of dissent at an official’s decision.

4.    Instruct the use of unnecessarily rough tactics against the body of an opposing player.

5.    Use alcoholic or tobacco products on GNLL grounds.

6.    Gamble on any play or game outcome.

7.    Speak disrespectfully to, or about, any player, parent, manager/coach, umpire, or league representative.

8.    Challenge an umpire’s authority. (Umpires shall have the authority and discretion during a game to penalize an offender according to the infraction, up to and including removal).

9.    Tamper or manipulate rosters, schedules, draft positions or selections, official score books, rankings, financial records or procedures.

The Board of Directors may review any infractions of the GNLL Code of Conduct. Depending on the seriousness or frequency, the board may assess whatever disciplinary action they see fit, up to and including expulsion from the league. The League President maintains the authority to discipline any manager or assistant coach.




Greater Naples Little League (GNLL)
1600 Fleischmann Blvd, PO Box 7436
Naples, Florida 34101

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