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Greater Naples Little League

Greater Naples Little League




            The Greater Naples Little League, #309-18-02, a Local League within the State of Florida, District 18, is committed to an “ongoing” Safety Awareness Program for improving personal safety for league players, league officials, league volunteer workers and affected others within our league structure.  We will provide the necessary training for league participants, improve our facilities to eliminate unsafe conditions, document/process/track incidents and injuries and measure results for prevention of re-occurrence. Our plan will be maintained consistent with Little League Baseball and Softball and the “A Safety Awareness Program” (ASAP) initiatives. The plan will be printed and available to volunteers on our website and distributed and copies will be available in relevant public places. We will collectively seek out ways that create opportunities for improving our safety program and injury rate frequency within our league and implement an on an “on-going” basis.  All League Board of Directors and Officers have been submitted to the Little League Data Center for 2024. 


            The most important help you can provide a victim who is seriously injured is to call for professional medical help. Make the call quickly, preferably from a cell phone near the injured person.  Be sure to follow these steps:

o   First Dial 9-1-1.

o   Provide the exact location of the emergency.

o   Provide your name.

o   Give details of the emergency including what happened, how many people are involved, the condition of the injured person(s) and what type of help is being given.

o   Do not hang up until the dispatcher hangs up.  Ask the dispatcher for advice and the estimated time of arrival of the emergency medical services.

o   Continue to care for the victim until professional help arrives.

o   Appoint someone to go to the street to look for the ambulance.


Naples Police/Fire/EMS                                          911

Poison Information Center                                    800-222-1222

Naples Police-Non Emergency                          239-213-4844

Collier County Sheriff                                              239-774-4434

Naples Fire-Non Emergency                              239-213-4900

Naples Community Hospital                              239-624-5000

Florida Power & Light                                              800-468-8243

            Non Emergency                                           239-262-1322

City of Naples Public Works                                239-213-4717

            Non Emergency                                          239-213-4745

City of Naples Garbage Collection                    239-213-4748


Fleischmann Park

1600 Fleischmann Blvd.

Naples, FL 34102


Thomas Rinaldi, President                                     601-874-3760

Micaela Acres,  Treasurer/Safety Officer             239-253-1513

John Appel,  Secretary                                            817-600-2931                  

Rich Faber, VP/Info Officer                                    484-639-7221

Ryan Acres, Player Agent                                      239-253-6822

Eric Marvin, Coaching Coordinator                      216-956-1781                                                                      

Little League Southern Region Office                  478-987-7227

            Fax Number                                                  478-987-7232

Little League International Office                          570-326-1921

            Fax Number                                                  570-326-1074


            Every player must have on file a completed and signed “Consent to Treat/Release” form provided by GNLL.  A copy of this form is available at the GNLL website.  In addition, parents/guardians of players with special needs and conditions must ensure that the team’s manager and coaches are aware of such issues.

            In the event of a player injury, if the player’s parent/guardian is present, all GNLL officials will aid in providing support according to the parent/guardian’s direction.  The manager/coach or the umpire is authorized by GNLL to call 911 and request emergency services if the manager/coach or umpire believes it is necessary in the best interest of the player(s).

            If the player’s parent / guardian is not present, the manager/coach will attempt to reach the emergency contact designated by the player.  To a reasonable extent, the manager/coach or team representative will follow the designated contact’s instructions in obtaining emergency care.   If the manager, coach or team representative is not able to reach a designated contact, the manager/coach shall take the necessary steps in the best interest of the player(s).  In the event that it becomes necessary to transport an injured player to a hospital, a team representative will remain with the player until the arrival of the player’s designated emergency contact. 

            A first aid kit is made available to all GNLL players and coaches and is located in the league issued gear bag.


            The JD Palatine background check website will be utilized.  In compliance with Little League Rules and Regulations, any person, volunteer or hired worker who provides regular service to the league and/or repetitive access to, or contact with players or teams, must fully complete and submit the Little League Volunteer Application and be subjected to a background screening, annually, prior to assuming/his/her duties for the current season.  Each individual must also provide a government-issued photo identification card or ID verification. 

            GNLL will conduct an annual nationwide background search that contains the applicable government sex offender registry data, as well as other crimes of a sexual and nonsexual nature, using JD Palatine.  This requirement is mandatory for all affected league participants prior to starting the season.  The Board of Directors may elect to conduct a more extensive check if desired.  Refusal to submit a completed volunteer application will result in the immediate dismissal of any individual from the league.  The league president will maintain these confidential forms for the year of service.


            It is mandatory for at least the manager and for one coach from each team to be in attendance and fully complete the requirements at each of the training sessions defined below. It is mandatory for all managers and coaches to complete the “Heads Up to Youth Sports: Coaches” online training yearly. HEADS UP to Youth Sports is a free, online course from the CDC available to coaches, parents, sports officials, athletic trainers, and others helping to keep athletes safe from concussion( Heads Up certificates of completion must be turned in to the League Safety Officer at the coaches clinic or via email prior to first practice. All managers and coaches will be required to attend and satisfactorily complete each of the below trainings yearly. For tracking purposes, a record of attendance for each training will be kept with the league.  All training will be completed prior to the start of the season, including practices.

            Baseball Fundamentals Training:

            Date: January 16, 2025

            Time: 6 PM -8 PM

            Location: Fleischmann Field

            Training Outline:  Participants will be instructed on how to coach baseball fundamentals including how to properly train their players in sliding, bunting, hitting, fielding, and pitching amongst other topics.  In addition this training will stress the importance of teamwork, conducting positive coaching, and game management.

            Training Instructors: Various High School and Professional Coaches

            Basic First Aid Training:

            Date: January 16, 2025

            Time: 6 PM to 8 PM

            Location: Fleischmann Field

            Training Outline: Participants will be instructed on how to properly train their players in proper athletic conditioning before, during and after practices and games, the importance of good nutrition, understand the differences between mild, moderate and severe injuries and appropriate actions to take in each category, how to apply basic first aid techniques for injuries and when to call 911.  In addition, a portion of the presentation will center on dental first aid.

            Training Instructors: Micaela Acres, RN

            Basic Safety Training:        

            Date: January 16, 2025

            Time: 6:30 PM – 8PM

            Location: Fleischmann Field

            Training Outline: Participants will be instructed on proper procedures during inclement weather, lightening, darkness, strategies to assist in educating the players in the dangers of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco use.

            Training Instructors: Micaela Acres, RN


            The home team manager and/or coach and one umpire will be required to walk the playing field prior to all games for identification of unsafe conditions.  Any deficiencies will be corrected prior to starting the game.

            The team manager and/or coach will be responsible for this safety surveillance walk-through prior to starting practice sessions.  Any unsafe conditions will be corrected prior to starting practice sessions.  These will include checking the conditions of fences, backstops, bases and warning track.  Foreign objects and debris shall also be removed.

            All unsafe conditions identified prior to games or practices will be reported to the League Safety Officer.  This is the responsibility of the team manager and/or coaches and umpires to complete the “Facility Tracking Form.”  The League Safety Officer will note and monitor the corrected unsafe condition report for potential re-occurrence.  This situation would be a condition that is beyond normal wear and tear.


            The Annual Little League Facilities Survey has been completed and will be posted on the GNLL website.


            The League contracts with a third party, professional food service provider for the purposes of operating concessions.  As required, the League will comply with applicable State of Florida regulations for food handlers in conjunction with Little League Baseball and local league operations.  Written procedures for compliance will be posted in all league concession stands.  The procedures will include a “Step by Step” sequence guideline(s) for operating the concession equipment.  All applicable State Regulations can be obtained from the Local Health Department.  The applicable State Regulations will also be posted in all the league concession stands and updated annually.  All training sessions pertaining to documentation and records will be consistent with this safety plan.  The League Safety Officer will be responsible for concession stand procedures and training compliance. 

            Additionally, the concession operator will be advised to follow the “12 Steps to Safe and Sanitary Food Service Events.”  Following these guidelines will help minimize the risk of food borne illness.  The contract with the concession operator will require that the concession stand meet all Code requirements.


            The League Safety Officer and the League Equipment Manager will inspect all league equipment prior to starting the season.  Damaged equipment that does not meet applicable Little League Baseball, Inc., safety standards will be deleted from the league inventory.  The umpires are required to check all game equipment prior to starting each game and remove substandard equipment before the game starts.  The League Safety Officer will be responsible for deletion of any substandard equipment from the league’s inventory and notifying the appropriate league officials for replacement considerations.

            All players are expected to wear appropriate safety equipment at all practices and games. It shall be the primary responsibility of the manger to ensure that all batters, runners and player base coaches wear an approved Little League batting helmet. Catchers must at a minimum wear a mask and a protective cup when warming up a pitcher where there is no batter present.  When a batter is present, the catcher in addition should wear a chest protector and shin guards.

            Regarding the issue of communicable diseases, the main issue is that of an open wound.  If bleeding is present, it must be stopped with pressure and/or dressings.  Any open wound shall be covered.  The uniform and equipment must be changed if there is blood on it before the player may continue.  Routinely use a glove to prevent exposure to blood or other bloody fluids.  Immediately wash hands and other skin surfaces if contaminated by blood.  GNLL currently will not provide equipment to the teams that may be shared (i.e. helmets, catchers gear).  The parents and players shall realize that the risk for communicable diseases through shared equipment is low but certainly never “zero.”



            All incidents and injuries will be reported to the League Safety Officer within 48 hours of occurrence by the responsible or affected league official (i.e. manager, coach, umpire, auxiliary coordinator, etc.)  All incidents and injuries will be documented and tracked and will be used for league safety training for prevention of re-occurrence and to correct potential future hazardous conditions that may contribute to an incident or injury.  Follow-up corrective actions will be completed in a timely manner.  The Little League, Inc. ASAP Incident/Injury Tracking report form will be used for this activity at the Local, District and Headquarters level. 

            Injury reporting forms are available on the Little League website and through Greater Naples Little League.

            The League Safety Officer will contact the injured party or the party’s parents/guardians and verify the information received, obtain any other information deemed necessary, check on the status of the injured party and in the event that the injured party required other medical treatment, will advise the parent or the guardian of Little League’s insurance coverages and the provisions for submitting any claims.


            GNLL will provide stocked first aid kits located in all team gear bags. Teams that practice or play games away from the central complex need to ensure their travel first aid kits are located in their gear bags prior to travel. For any assistance with and/or restocking of first aid kits, please contact the League Safety Officer.

            Completed Medical Release forms for all team players, managers and coaches will be returned to the League Safety Officer and maintained by the League.



CPR: All coaches and volunteers are highly encouraged to obtain CPR/Basic Life Support training which is available to all at various local institutions. This is a simple thing to do which may save someone’s life.

Defibrillator: A defibrillator is located outside the concession stand in a wall mounted case.  It is to be used in the event of a cardiac emergency. Instructions are in the kit and it is simple to use. Anyone seeking additional information/instruction can contact the safety officer, Micaela Acres, RN (239-253-1513). In specific reference to youth baseball coaches / volunteer’s should be aware of COMMOTIO CORDIS an often fatal arrhythmia (abnormal heartbeat) caused by a direct blow to the chest/over the heart by an object such as a baseball. If any player or coach is struck by a ball in the chest and is unresponsive it is imperative the CPR is initiated, 9-1-1 called and the defibrillator is retrieved IMMEDIATELY and used on the injured person. Defibrillation is the only way to reverse this condition that is otherwise fatal.




            GNLL will follow Little League rules, many of which have a basis in safety.  League officials will ensure that players will have the proper equipment and enforce rules at practices as well as games.

THE CODE OF CONDUCT shall include the following:

o   Speed limit of 5 mph in the parking lots.  Watch for children around cars.

o   No parking behind the Fleischmann Park Facility shed (behind West 2 field)

o   Alcohol is not allowed in any parking lot, field or common areas within the GNLL complex.

o   Smoking and Tobacco products are likewise not allowed within the GNLL complex.

o   No playing in the parking lots at any time.

o   No profanity please.

o   No swinging of bats or throwing baseballs at any time within the walkways and common areas of the GNLL complex.

o   No throwing of rocks and no climbing fences.

o   No horseplay in the walkways at any time.

o   Be alert for foul balls or errant throws.

o   Players must remain in the dugout area in an orderly fashion at all times.

o   Each team must clean up trash in the dugout and around the stands after each game.

o   Failure to comply with the above may result in expulsion from the GNLL Complex.


            Each year more than 400 people are struck by lightning.  Seventy of these die and many others suffer permanent neurological damages.  Lightning kills more people than tornadoes.  Florida is the lightning capital of the world!

            Lightning often strikes outside the area of heavy rain and may strike as far as 10 miles from any rainfall.  Do not wait too long before seeking shelter.  Similarly, do not return outside too soon after a storm.

            Fleischmann Park is equipped with a lightning detection system. DO NOT DEPEND SOLELY ON THIS SYSTEM, THEY ARE NOT FOOLPROOF: USE COMMON SENSE IF IT LOOKS LIKE LIGHTNING MAY BE CLOSE SEEK SHELTER! Players and volunteers must evacuate the playing areas of the park and seek shelter when the system detects lightning in the area.  Once the all clear siren is sounded play may be resumed.

            Stay away from open areas, trees, towers and utility poles.  Stay away from the bleachers and dugouts and any metal structures.

            The nearest lightning shelter is the GNLL office, above the concession stand.  Otherwise, it will be advisable to seek shelter in your vehicles until the thunderstorm passes.

            Lightning victims do not carry an electrical charge.  They are safe to handle and need immediate medical attention.

            Call for help and dial 9-1-1.

            Cardiac arrest is the immediate cause of death in lightning fatalities.  Check for breathing and the pulse and administer CPR is necessary.

            If possible, move the victim to a safer place.  Lightning can strike the same place twice.


Sickness Safety Plan 2025



Hand hygiene

Hand hygiene encouraged. Hand washing permitted throughout games and practices.

Disinfecting common use equipment

Players must bring their own equipment and no sharing of equipment is allowed. Players must bring their own water bottles.

No spitting sunflower seeds, peanuts in the shell or gum.


Player/coach/umpire/family sickness education

Anyone with symptoms of fever, cough, or worsening respiratory symptoms should not attend any Little League activity. Players/coaches/umpires/family members must be fever free for more than 24 hrs and symptom free before returning to any Little League activity


We will follow all Little League governing sickness rules.




Greater Naples Little League (GNLL)
1600 Fleischmann Blvd, PO Box 7436
Naples, Florida 34101

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