GNLL Single A Rules
Overview: The goal is to introduce the game of baseball, emphasizing introductory fundamentals and techniques - hitting, fielding, throwing, running. Batters face pitching from coaches, and if unsuccessful, they will hit off the tee. Players have the opportunity to explore various fielding positions in the infield and outfield. (Note: try to have only kids who can catch play first in order to keep the game moving and avoid injuries.)
1. All players are in the batting line-up and in the field. Max 5 infield positions - first, second, short stop, third, and pitcher (behind the coach). Please rotate positions as much as possible.
2. All players will have one (1) at-bat each inning (no striking out)
3. Coaches pitch – keep pitches to a maximum of five (5) pitches, then go to batting tee. Coaches should pitch from a knee.
4. All hits are kept to a single
5. Base runners will advance one base on each batted ball.
6. If a play is made at first (and the batter is out), or a fly ball is caught, the batter will be called out but may remain on the bag to learn baserunning skills (The entire line-up will bat each inning regardless of number of outs.)
7. Last batter in the line-up will clear the bases. Suggestion: Flip the lineup in the second inning. First batter in the first inning hits first, then hits last in the second inning, and everyone else follow the same idea.
8. Please keep the players in the field until the last batter reaches home plate.
9. Games will last approximately one hour, enough time for at least 2 innings.
10. Score will not be kept.
11. Coaches may be placed in the infield and outfield as the Manager sees fit. Remember to instruct the kids throughout the game.
12. There must be a coach in the dugout with the kids at all times. For safety, bats should remain lined up on the outside of the dugout.